User Guide ========== This is the user guide for the `Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter`_, a Python template based on the `Hypermodern Python`_ article series. If you're in a hurry, check out the :doc:`quickstart guide ` and the :ref:`tutorials `. .. contents:: :local: :backlinks: none Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ About this project ------------------ The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* is a general-purpose template for Python libraries and applications, released under the `MIT license`_ and hosted on `GitHub `__. The main objective of this project template is to enable current best practises through modern Python tooling. Our goals are to: - keep a focus on simplicity and minimalism, - promote code quality through automation, and - provide reliable and repeatable processes, all the way from local testing to publishing releases. Projects are created from the template using Cookiecutter_, a project scaffolding tool built on top of the Jinja_ template engine. The project template is centered around the following tools: - Poetry_ for packaging and dependency management - Nox_ for automation of checks and other development tasks - `GitHub Actions`_ for continuous integration and delivery .. _Features: Features -------- Here is a detailed list of features for this Python template: .. features-begin - Packaging and dependency management with Poetry_ - Test automation with Nox_ - Continuous integration with `GitHub Actions`_ - Documentation with Sphinx_ and `Read the Docs`_ - Automated uploads to PyPI_ and TestPyPI_ - Automated release notes with `Release Drafter`_ - Code formatting with Black_ and Prettier_ - Testing with pytest_ - Code coverage with Coverage.py_ - Coverage reporting with Codecov_ - Command-line interface with Click_ - Linting with Flake8_ and various :ref:`awesome plugins ` - Static type-checking with mypy_ and pytype_ - Runtime type-checking with Typeguard_ - Security audit with Bandit_ and Safety_ - Git hook management with pre-commit_ - Checked documentation examples with xdoctest_ - API documentation with autodoc_, napoleon_, and sphinx-autodoc-typehints_ The template supports Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. .. features-end Release cadence --------------- The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* has a `bimonthly`_ release cadence. Releases happen on the 15th of every other month, starting in January. We use `Calendar Versioning`_ with a ``YYYY.MM.DD`` versioning scheme. Initial releases may occur more frequently. .. _`bimonthly`: The current stable release is `2020.4.15`_. .. _`2020.4.15`: Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ System requirements ------------------- You need a recent Linux, Unix, or Mac system with bash_, curl_, and git_. On Windows 10, enable the `Windows Subsystem for Linux`_ (WSL) and install the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS distribution. Open Ubuntu from the Start Menu, and install additional packages using the following commands: .. _`Windows Subsystem for Linux`: .. code:: console $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install -y build-essential curl git libbz2-dev \ libffi-dev liblzma-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev \ libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev llvm make \ python-openssl tk-dev wget xz-utils zlib1g-dev The project template should also work natively on Windows. Pull requests to document Windows specifics are welcome! Getting Python -------------- It is recommended to use pyenv_ for installing and managing Python versions. Please refer to the documentation of this project for detailed installation and usage instructions. Install pyenv_ like this: .. code:: console $ curl | bash Add the following lines to your ``~/.bashrc``: .. code:: sh export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/bin:$PATH" eval "$(pyenv init -)" eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)" Install the Python build dependencies for your platform, using one of the commands listed in the `official instructions `__. .. _`pyenv wiki`: Install the latest point release of every supported Python version. This project template supports Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. .. code:: console $ pyenv install 3.6.10 $ pyenv install 3.7.7 $ pyenv install 3.8.2 After creating your project (see :ref:`below `), you can make these Python versions accessible in the project directory, using the following command: .. code:: console $ pyenv local 3.8.2 3.7.7 3.6.10 The first version listed is the one used when you type plain ``python``. Every version can be used by invoking ``python``. For example, use ``python3.7`` to invoke Python 3.7. Requirements ------------ .. note:: It is recommended to use pipx_ to install Python tools which are not specific to a single project. Please refer to the official documentation for detailed installation and usage instructions. If you decide to skip ``pipx`` installation, use `pip install`_ with the ``--user`` option instead. You only need three tools to use this template: - Cookiecutter_ to create projects from the template, - Poetry_ to manage packaging and dependencies - Nox_ to automate checks and other tasks As an optional requirement, pre-commit_ is recommended for additional checks and to manage Git hooks. Install Cookiecutter_ using pipx: .. code:: console $ pipx install cookiecutter Install Poetry_ by downloading and running get-poetry.py_: .. _``: .. code:: console $ python Install Nox_ using pipx: .. code:: console $ pipx install nox Install pre-commit_ using pipx: .. code:: console $ pipx install pre-commit Project creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _`Creating a project`: Creating a project ------------------ Create a project from this template by pointing Cookiecutter to its `GitHub repository `__. Use the ``--checkout`` option with the `current stable release <2020.4.15_>`__: .. code:: console $ cookiecutter gh:cjolowicz/cookiecutter-hypermodern-python \ --checkout="2020.4.15" Cookiecutter downloads the template, and asks you a series of questions about project variables, for example, how you wish your project to be named. When you have answered these questions, your project is generated in the current directory, using a subdirectory with the same name as your project. Here is a complete list of the project variables defined by this template: ================== =============================== ====================== Project Variable Description Example ================== =============================== ====================== ``project_name`` Project name on PyPI and GitHub ``hypermodern-python`` ``package_name`` Import name of the package ``hypermodern_python`` ``friendly_name`` Friendly project name ``Hypermodern Python`` ``author`` Primary author Jane Doe ``email`` E-mail address of the author ``github_user`` GitHub username of the author ``janedoe`` ``version`` Initial project version ``0.1.0`` ================== =============================== ====================== In the remainder of this guide, ```` and ```` are used to refer to the project and package names, respectively. The initial package ------------------- You can find the initial Python package in your generated project under the ``src`` directory:: src └── ├── ├── └── The ```` file declares the directory as a `Python package`_. It also defines a ``__version__`` attribute, containing the version of your package. The version is determined using the installed package metadata, by means of the standard `importlib.metadata`_ library. .. _`Python package`: .. _`importlib.metadata`: The ```` module defines the ``console.main`` entry point for the command-line interface. The command-line interface is implemented using Click_, and supports ``--help`` and ``--version`` options. When the package is installed, a script named ```` is placed in the ``bin`` directory of the Python installation or virtual environment, allowing you to invoke the command-line interface like any other console application. The ```` module allows you to invoke the command-line interface by specifying a Python interpreter and the package name: .. code:: console $ python -m [] Uploading to GitHub ------------------- This project template is designed for use with GitHub_, so your next steps are to create a Git repository and upload it to GitHub. Change to the root directory of your new project, initialize a Git repository, and create a commit for the initial project structure: .. code:: console $ git init $ git add . $ git commit Create an empty repository on GitHub_, using the project name you chose when you generated the project. Do not include a ````, ``LICENSE``, or ``.gitignore``. These files are provided by the project template. Finally, upload your repository to GitHub. In the commands below, replace ```` by your GitHub username, and ```` by the name of your GitHub repository. .. code:: console $ git remote add origin $ git push --set-upstream origin master Packaging ~~~~~~~~~ The pyproject.toml file ----------------------- The configuration file for the Python package is located in the root directory of the project, and named ``pyproject.toml``. It uses the TOML_ configuration file format, and contains two sections---*tables* in TOML parlance---, specified in `PEP 517`_ and `518 `__: - The ``build-system`` table declares the requirements and the entry point used to build a distribution package for the project. This template uses Poetry_ as the build system. - The ``tool`` table contains sub-tables where tools can store configuration under their PyPI_ name. Poetry stores its configuration in the ``tool.poetry`` table. The ``tool.poetry`` table contains the metadata for your package, such as its name, version, and authors, as well as the list of dependencies for the package. Please refer to the `Poetry documentation `__ for a detailed description of each configuration key. .. _`pyproject.toml`: Building and distributing the package ------------------------------------- .. note:: With the *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter*, building and distributing your package is taken care of by `GitHub Actions`_ when you publish a `GitHub Release`_. This section gives a short overview of how you can build and distribute your package from the command line, using the following Poetry commands: .. code:: console $ poetry build $ poetry publish Building the package is done with the `python build`_ command. This command generates *distribution packages* in the ``dist`` directory of your project. These are compressed archives which an end-user can download and install on their system. They come in two flavours: source (or *sdist*) archives, and binary packages in the wheel_ format. Publishing the package is done with the `python publish`_ command. This command uploads the distribution packages to your account on PyPI_, the official Python package registry. .. _`python build`: .. _`python publish`: .. _`wheel`: Installing the package ---------------------- With your package on PyPI, others can install it with pip_, pipx_, or Poetry: .. code:: console $ pip install $ pipx install $ poetry add While pip_ is the workhorse of the Python packaging ecosystem, you should normally use higher-level tools to install your package: - If the package is an application, install it with pipx_. - If the package is a library, install it with `poetry add`_ in other projects. The primary benefit of these installation methods is that your package is installed into an isolated environment, without polluting the system environment, or the environments of other applications. This way, applications can use specific versions of their direct and indirect dependencies, without getting in each other's way. .. _`poetry add`: If the other project is not managed by Poetry, use whatever package manager the other project uses. You can always install your project into a virtual environment with plain pip_. Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Types of dependencies --------------------- Dependencies are Python packages used by your project, and they come in two types: - *Core dependencies* are required by users running your code, and typically consist of third-party libraries imported by your package. These dependencies are also declared in distribution packages such as wheels, allowing tools like pip_ to automatically install them alongside your package. - *Development dependencies* are only required by developers working on your code. Examples are applications used to run tests, check code for style and correctness, or to build documentation. These dependencies are not a part of distribution packages, because users do not require them to run your code. This project template has two core dependencies: - Click_, a library for creating command-line interfaces - `importlib_metadata`_, a backport of `importlib.metadata`_ The project template also comes with a large number of development dependencies. See :ref:`features` for an overview. .. _`importlib_metadata`: Managing dependencies --------------------- Use the command `poetry show`_ to see the full list of direct and indirect dependencies of your package: .. code:: console $ poetry show .. _`poetry show`: Use the command `poetry add`_ to add a dependency for your package: .. code:: console $ poetry add foobar # for core dependencies $ poetry add --dev foobar # for development dependencies Use the command `poetry remove`_ to remove a dependency from your package: .. code:: console $ poetry remove foobar .. _`poetry remove`: Use the command `poetry update`_ to upgrade the dependency to a new release: .. code:: console $ poetry update foobar .. _`poetry update`: To upgrade to a new major release, you normally need to update the version constraint for the dependency, in the ``pyproject.toml`` file. Version constraints ------------------- `Version constraints`_ express which versions of dependencies are compatible with your project. In the case of core dependencies, they are also a part of distribution packages, and as such affect end-users of your package. For every dependency added to your project, Poetry writes a version constraint to ``pyproject.toml``. Dependencies are kept in two TOML tables: - ``tool.poetry.dependencies``---for core dependencies - ````---for development dependencies By default, version constraints require users to have at least the version of a dependency that was current when you added it to the project. Users can also upgrade to newer releases of dependencies, as long as the version number does not indicate a breaking change. (After 1.0.0, `Semantic Versioning`_ limits breaking changes to major releases.) .. _`version constraint`: .. _`Semantic Versioning`: The lock file ------------- Poetry records the exact version of each direct and indirect dependency in its lock file, named ``poetry.lock`` and located in the root directory of the project. The lock file does not affect users of the package, because its contents are not included in distribution packages. The lock file is useful for a number of reasons: - It ensures that local checks run in the same environment as on the CI server, making the CI predictable and deterministic. - When collaborating with other developers, it allows everybody to use the same development environment. - When deploying an application, the lock file helps you keep production and development environments as similar as possible (`dev-prod parity`_). .. _`dev-prod parity`: For these reasons, the lock file should be kept under source control. The Poetry environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Poetry manages a `virtual environment`_ for your project, containing your package together with its core dependencies, as well as the development dependencies. All dependencies are kept at the versions specified by the lock file. A virtual environment gives your project an isolated runtime environment, consisting of a specific Python version and an independent set of installed Python packages. This way, the dependencies of your current project do not interfere with the system-wide Python installation, or other projects you're working on. .. _`virtual environment`: Installing the package for development -------------------------------------- You can install your package and its dependencies into Poetry's virtual environment using the command `poetry install`_. .. code:: console $ poetry install .. _`poetry install`: This command performs a so-called `editable install`_ of your package: Instead of building and installing a distribution package, it creates a special ``.egg-link`` file that links to your local source code. This means that code edits are directly visible in the environment without the need to reinstall your package. .. _`editable install`: Installing your package implicitly creates the virtual environment if it does not exist yet, using the currently active Python interpreter, or the first one found which satisfies the Python versions supported by your project. Managing environments --------------------- You can create environments explicitly with the `poetry env`_ command, specifying the desired Python version. This allows you to create an environment for every Python version supported by your project, and easily switch between them: .. _`poetry env`: .. code:: console $ poetry env use 3.6 $ poetry env use 3.7 $ poetry env use 3.8 Only one Poetry environment can be active at any time. Note that ``3.8`` comes last, to ensure that the current Python release is the active environment. Install your package with ``poetry install`` into each environment after creating it. Use the command ``poetry env list`` to list the available environments: .. code:: console $ poetry env list Use the command ``poetry env remove`` to remove an environment: .. code:: console $ poetry env remove Use the command ``poetry env info`` to show information about the active environment: .. code:: console $ poetry env info Running commands ---------------- You can run an interactive Python session inside the active environment using the command `poetry run`_: .. _`poetry run`: .. code:: console $ poetry run python The same command allows you to invoke the command-line interface of your project: .. code:: console $ poetry run You can also run developer tools, such as pytest_: .. code:: console $ poetry run pytest While it is handy to have developer tools available in the Poetry environment, it is usually recommended to run these using Nox_, as described in the :ref:`next ` section. .. _`Using Nox`: Using Nox ~~~~~~~~~ Nox_ automates testing in multiple Python environments. Like its older sibling tox_, Nox makes it easy to run any kind of job in an isolated environment, with only those dependencies installed that the job needs. Nox sessions are defined in a Python file named ```` and located in the project directory. They consist of a virtual environment and a set of commands to run in that environment. .. _`tox`: While Poetry environments allow you to interact with your package during development, Nox environments are used to run developer tools in a reliable and repeatable way across Python versions. Most sessions are run with every supported Python version. Other sessions are only run with the current stable Python version, for example the session used to build the documentation. Running sessions ---------------- If you invoke Nox by itself, it will run the full test suite: .. code:: console $ nox This includes unit tests, linters, and type checkers, but excludes sessions like those for building documentation or for reformatting code. The list of sessions run by default can be configured by editing ``nox.options.sessions`` in ````. You can also run a specific Nox session, using the ``--session`` option. For example, build the documentation like this: .. code:: console $ nox --session=docs Print a list of the available Nox sessions using the ``--list-sessions`` option: .. code:: console $ nox --list-sessions Nox creates virtual environments from scratch on each invocation (a sensible default). You can speed things up by passing the `--reuse-existing-virtualenvs`_ option (or the equivalent short option ``-r``): .. code:: console $ nox --reuse-existing-virtualenvs .. _`--reuse-existing-virtualenvs`: Available sessions ------------------ .. _`Table of Nox sessions`: The following tables gives an overview of the available Nox sessions: ====================================== ============================== ================== ========= Session Description Python Default ====================================== ============================== ================== ========= `black `__ Format code with Black_ ``3.8`` `coverage `__ Generate a coverage report ``3.8`` `docs `__ Build Sphinx_ documentation ``3.8`` `lint `__ Lint with Flake8_ ``3.6`` … ``3.8`` ✓ `mypy `__ Type-check with mypy_ ``3.6`` … ``3.8`` ✓ `pytype `__ Type-check with pytype_ ``3.6`` … ``3.7`` ✓ `safety `__ Scan dependencies with Safety_ ``3.8`` ✓ `tests `__ Run tests with pytest_ ``3.6`` … ``3.8`` ✓ `typeguard `__ Type-check with Typeguard_ ``3.6`` … ``3.8`` `xdoctest `__ Run examples with xdoctest_ ``3.6`` … ``3.8`` ====================================== ============================== ================== ========= Using Poetry inside Nox sessions -------------------------------- Nox sessions can invoke Poetry like any other command, using the function ``_. Integrating Nox and Poetry in a sane way requires additional work. For this purpose, ```` contains some glue code in the form of the ``install`` and ``install_package`` functions, and the ``Poetry`` helper class. .. _``: ``noxfile.install(session, *args)``: Install dependencies into a Nox session using Poetry. The ``noxfile.install`` function installs development dependencies into a Nox session, using the versions specified in Poetry's lock file. This is done by exporting the lock file in ``requirements.txt`` format, and passing it as a `constraints file`_ to pip. The function arguments are the same as those for `nox.sessions.Session.install`_: The first argument is the ``Session`` object, and the remaining arguments are command-line arguments for `pip install`_, typically just the package or packages to be installed. .. _`nox.sessions.Session.install`: .. _`constraints file`: .. _`pip install`: ``noxfile.install_package(session)``: Install the package into a Nox session using Poetry. The ``noxfile.install_package`` function installs your package into a Nox session, including the core dependencies as specified in Poetry's lock file. This is done by building a wheel from the package, and installing it using pip_. Dependencies are installed in the same way as in the ``noxfile.install`` function, i.e. using a constraints file. Its only argument is the ``Session`` object from Nox. The functions are implemented using a ``Poetry`` helper class, encapsulating invocations of the Poetry command-line interface. The helper class has the following methods: ``, *args)`` Build the package. ``noxfile.Poetry.export(self, *args)`` Export the lock file to requirements format. ``noxfile.Poetry.version(self)`` Return the package version. ``noxfile.Poetry.__init__(self, session)`` Instances need a session object for running commands. Testing ~~~~~~~ Tests are written using the pytest_ testing framework, the *de facto* standard for testing in Python. The test suite -------------- The test suite is located in the ``tests`` directory:: tests ├── └── The test suite is `declared as a package `__, and mirrors the source layout of the package under test. The file ```` contains tests for the ``console`` module. Initially, the test suite contains a single test case, checking whether the program exits with a status code of zero. It also provides a `test fixture`_ using `click.testing.CliRunner`_, a helper class for invoking the program from within tests. .. _`tests-outside-application-code`: .. _`test fixture`: .. _`click.testing.CliRunner`: .. _`The tests session`: The tests session ----------------- Run the test suite using the Nox session ``tests``: .. code:: console $ nox --session=tests The tests session runs the test suite against the installed code. More specifically, the session builds a wheel from your project and installs it into the Nox environment, with dependencies pinned as specified in Poetry's lock file. You can also run the test suite with a specific Python version. For example, the following command runs the test suite using the current stable release of Python: .. code:: console $ nox --session=tests-3.8 Use the separator ``--`` to pass additional options to ``pytest``. For example, the following command runs only the test case ``test_main_succeeds``: .. code:: console $ nox --session=tests -- -k test_main_succeeds Test coverage ------------- *Test coverage* is a measure of the degree to which the source code of your program is executed while running its test suite. This project template requires full test coverage. Code coverage is measured using ``_. When the test suite completes, a detailed coverage report is printed to the terminal. If the total coverage is below 100%, the test session fails. is configured using the ``pyproject.toml`` configuration file, in the ``tool.coverage`` table. The configuration informs the tool about your package name and source tree layout. It also enables branch analysis and the display of line numbers for missing coverage, and specifies the target coverage percentage. .. _`The coverage session`: The coverage session -------------------- .. note:: This session is intended for use inside Continuous Integration. For a coverage report, simply run the `tests `__ session. Run the coverage session like this: .. code:: console $ nox --session=coverage The coverage session exports the coverage data to `cobertura`__ XML format, the format expected by Codecov_. __ This session always runs with the current major release of Python. It does not accept additional options. Linting with Flake8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This project template comes with an extensive suite of linters, using the Flake8_ linter framework. Linters analyze source code to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors, and suspicious constructs. By default, the linter suite checks Python files in the following locations: - ``src`` - ``tests`` - ```` - ``docs/`` The configuration file for Flake8 and its extensions is named ``.flake8`` and located in the project directory. .. _`The lint session`: The lint session ---------------- Run the linter suite using the ``lint`` session: .. code:: console $ nox --session=lint You can also run the linter suite with a specific Python version. For example, the following command runs the linter suite using the current stable release of Python: .. code:: console $ nox --session=lint-3.8 Use the separator ``--`` to pass additional options to ``flake8``. For example, the following command only lints the ``console`` module: .. code:: console $ nox --session=lint -- src// .. _`Available linters`: Available linters ----------------- Flake8_ glues together several tools, and comes with a rich ecosystem of extensions. The following table lists the linters used by the *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter*, and links to their lists of error codes. ======================= ============================================================== ========= Tool Description Code ======================= ============================================================== ========= pyflakes_ Find invalid Python code `F `__ pycodestyle_ Enforce style conventions from `PEP 8`_ `E,W `__ pep8-naming_ Enforce naming conventions from `PEP 8`_ `N `__ flake8-import-order_ Enforce import conventions from `PEP 8`_ `I `__ flake8-docstrings_ Enforce docstring conventions from `PEP 257`_, via pydocstyle_ `D `__ flake8-rst-docstrings_ Find invalid reStructuredText_ in docstrings `RST `__ flake8-black_ Enforce the Black_ code style `BLK `__ flake8-bugbear_ Detect bugs and design problems `B `__ mccabe_ Limit the code complexity `C `__ flake8-annotations_ Enforce type coverage `ANN `__ darglint_ Detect inaccurate docstrings `DAR `__ flake8-bandit_ Detect common security issues, via Bandit_ `S `__ ======================= ============================================================== ========= The linters ----------- This section describes the linters in more detail. Each section also notes any configuration settings applied by the *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter*. pyflakes ........ The pyflakes_ tool parses Python source files and finds invalid code. `Error codes`__ are prefixed by ``F`` for "flake". Warnings reported by this tool include syntax errors, undefined names, unused imports or variables, and more. The tool is included with Flake8_ by default. .. _`pyflakes codes`: __ pycodestyle ........... The pycodestyle_ tool checks your code against many recommendations from `PEP 8`_, the official Python style guide. `Error codes`__ are prefixed by ``W`` for warnings and ``E`` for errors. The tool detects whitespace and indentation issues, deprecated features, bare excepts, and much more. The tool is included with Flake8_ by default. .. _`pycodestyle codes`: __ The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* disables the following errors and warnings for compatibility with Black_ and flake8-bugbear_: - ``E203`` (whitespace before ``:``) - ``E501`` (line too long) - ``W503`` (line break before binary operator) pep8-naming ........... The pep8-naming_ tool enforces the naming conventions from `PEP 8`_. `Error codes`__ are prefixed by ``N`` for "naming". Examples are the use of camel case for the names of classes, the use of lowercase for the names of functions, arguments and variables, or the convention to name the first argument of methods ``self``. .. _`pep8-naming codes`: __ flake8-import-order ................... The flake8-import-order_ plugin checks that import order adheres to `PEP 8`_ and a configurable style convention. `Error codes`__ are prefixed by ``I`` for "import". .. _`flake8-import-order codes`: __ The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* selects the recommendations of the `Google styleguide `__. Imports need to be arranged in three sorted groups, like this: .. _`Google import style`: .. code:: python # standard library import time # third-party packages import click # local packages import The configuration also ensures that the package name is recognized as local. pydocstyle and flake8-docstrings ................................ The pydocstyle_ tool is used to check that docstrings comply with the recommendations of `PEP 257`_ and a configurable style convention. It is integrated via the flake8-docstrings_ extension. `Error codes`__ are prefixed by ``D`` for "docstring". Warnings range from missing docstrings to issues with whitespace, quoting, and docstring content. .. _`pydocstyle codes`: __ The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* selects the recommendations of the `Google styleguide `__. Here is an example of a function documented in Google style: .. code:: python def add(first: int, second: int) -> int: """Add two integers. Args: first: The first argument. second: The second argument. Returns: The sum of the arguments. """ .. _`Google docstring style`: flake8-rst-docstrings ..................... The flake8-rst-docstrings_ plugin validates docstring markup as reStructuredText_ (reST). Docstrings must be valid reST---which includes most plain text---because they are used to generate API documentation. `Error codes`__ are prefixed by ``RST`` for "reStructuredText", and group issues into numerical blocks, by their severity and origin. .. _`flake8-rst-docstrings codes`: __ flake8-black ............ The flake8-black_ plugin checks adherence to the Black_ code style. `Error codes`__ are prefixed by ``BLK`` for "black". It generates a warning if it detects that Black would reformat a source file. You can fix these issues automatically, as described below in the section `Code formatting with Black`_. .. _`flake8-black codes`: __ flake8-bugbear .............. flake8-bugbear_ detects bugs and design problems. `Error codes`__ are prefixed by ``B`` for "bugbear". The warnings are more opinionated than those of pyflakes or pycodestyle. For example, the plugin detects Python 2 constructs which have been removed in Python 3, and likely bugs such as function arguments defaulting to empty lists or dictionaries. The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* also enables Bugbear's ``B9`` warnings, which are disabled by default. In particular, ``B950`` checks the maximum line length like pycodestyle_'s ``E501``, but with a tolerance margin of 10%. This soft limit is set to 80 characters, which is the value used by the Black code formatter. .. _`flake8-bugbear codes`: __ mccabe ...... The mccabe_ tool checks the `code complexity `__ of your Python package against a configured limit. `Error codes`__ are prefixed by ``C`` for "complexity". It is included with Flake8_. .. _`mccabe codes`: __ The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* limits code complexity to a value of 10. .. _`Cyclomatic complexity`: flake8-annotations .................. flake8-annotations_ detects the absence of type annotations for functions, helping you keep track of unannotated code. `Error codes`__ are prefixed by ``ANN`` for "annotation". The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* disables the warning ``ANN101`` (missing type annotation for ``self`` in method), because annotating ``self`` is normally not required. .. _`flake8-annotations codes`: __ darglint ........ The darglint_ tool checks that docstring descriptions match function definitions. `Error codes`__ are prefixed by ``DAR`` for "darglint". The tool has its own configuration file, named ``.darglint``. The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* allows one-line docstrings without function signatures. Multi-line docstrings must specify the function signatures completely and correctly, using `Google docstring style`_. .. _`darglint codes`: __ Bandit ...... Bandit_ is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code, and integrated via the flake8-bandit_ extension. `Error codes`__ are prefixed by ``S`` for "security". (The prefix ``B`` for "bandit" is used when Bandit is run as a stand-alone tool.) The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* disables ``S101`` (use of assert) for the test suite, as pytest_ uses assertions to verify expectations in tests. .. _`Bandit codes`: __ .. _`Code formatting with Black`: Code formatting with Black ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Black_ is the uncompromising Python code formatter. One of its greatest features is its lack of configurability. Blackened code looks the same regardless of the project you're reading. The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* adheres to Black code style. .. _`The black session`: The black session ----------------- Run the code formatter using the ``black`` session: .. code:: console $ nox --session=black This session always runs with the current version of Python. Use the separator ``--`` to pass additional options to ``black``. For example, the following command formats a specific file: .. code:: console $ nox --session=black -- By default, the code formatter runs on Python files in the following locations: - ``src`` - ``tests`` - ```` - ``docs/`` Scanning dependencies with Safety ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Safety_ checks the dependencies of your project for known security vulnerabilities, using a curated database of insecure Python packages. The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* uses the `poetry export`_ command to convert Poetry's lock file to a `requirements file`_, for consumption by Safety. .. _`poetry export`: .. _`requirements file`: .. _`The safety session`: The safety session ------------------ Run Safety_ using the ``safety`` session: .. code:: console $ nox --session=safety This session always runs with the current version of Python. .. _`Linting with pre-commit`: Linting with pre-commit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pre-commit_ is a multi-language linter framework and a Git hook manager. It allows you to integrate the best industry standard linters into your Git workflow, even when written in a language other than Python. Linters run in isolated environments managed by pre-commit. When installed as a *pre-commit* `Git hook`_, pre-commit runs automatically every time you invoke ``git commit``. The commit is aborted if any check fails. This workflow allows you to review the changes before attempting the commit again. Many linters support fixing offending lines automatically. .. _`Git hook`: Installation and configuration ------------------------------ Install pre-commit via pipx_: .. code:: console $ pipx install pre-commit pre-commit is configured using the file ``.pre-commit-config.yaml`` in the project directory. Please refer to the `official documentation`__ for details about the configuration file. Available hooks --------------- The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* comes with a minimal pre-commit configuration, consisting of the following hooks: __ ======================== =============================================== Hook Description ======================== =============================================== `black `__ Run the Black_ code formatter `flake8 `__ Run the Flake8_ linter `prettier `__ Run the Prettier_ code formatter check-yaml_ Validate YAML_ files end-of-file-fixer_ Ensure files are terminated by a single newline trailing-whitespace_ Ensure lines do not contain trailing whitespace ======================== =============================================== .. _`check-yaml`: .. _`end-of-file-fixer`: .. _`trailing-whitespace`: Black_ and Flake8_ are managed as development dependencies by Poetry. Therefore, their hooks are run in the Poetry environment, rather than in pre-commit environments. These checks run somewhat faster than the corresponding Nox sessions, for several reasons: - They only run on files staged for a commit, by default. - They only run on the current version of Python. - They assume that the tools are already installed. Command-line usage ------------------ Install the *pre-commit* Git hook by running the following command: .. code:: console $ pre-commit install The default behaviour of pre-commit is to run on the staged contents of files, which is useful when it is triggered from a *pre-commit* Git hook: .. code:: console $ pre-commit run You can run pre-commit on all files instead using the following command: .. code:: console $ pre-commit run --all-files You can also run a specific pre-commit hook, such as the code formatter Prettier_: .. code:: console $ pre-commit run --all-files prettier Type-checking ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `Type annotations`_, first introduced in Python 3.5, are a way to annotate functions and variables with types. With appropriate tooling, they can make your programs easier to understand, debug, and maintain. There is also an increasing number of libraries that leverage type annotations at runtime. For example, you can use type annotations to generate serialization schemas or command-line parsers. .. _`Type annotations`: *Type-checking* refers to the practice of verifying the type correctness of a program, using type annotations and type inference. There are two kinds of type checkers: - *Static type checkers* verify the type correctness of your program without executing it, using static analysis. - *Runtime type checkers* find type errors by instrumenting your code to type-check arguments and return values in function calls. This is particularly useful during the execution of unit tests. The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* uses both static type checkers and a runtime type checker: - mypy_ is the pioneer and *de facto* reference implementation of static type checking in Python. - pytype_ is a static type checker developed at Google, with a focus on type inference and stub generation. - Typeguard_ is a runtime type checker and pytest_ plugin. It can type-check function calls during test runs via an `import hook`__. __ .. _`The mypy session`: The mypy session ---------------- Run mypy_ using Nox: .. code:: console $ nox --session=mypy You can also run the type checker with a specific Python version. For example, the following command runs mypy using the current stable release of Python: .. code:: console $ nox --session=mypy-3.8 Use the separator ``--`` to pass additional options and arguments to ``mypy``. For example, the following command type-checks only the ``console`` module: .. code:: console $ nox --session=mypy -- src// Configure mypy using the `mypy.ini`__ configuration file. __ The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* disables import errors for some packages for which type definitions are not yet available, using the ``ignore_missing_imports`` option. .. _`The pytype session`: The pytype session ------------------ Run pytype_ using Nox: .. code:: console $ nox --session=pytype You can also run the type checker with a specific Python version. For example, the following command runs pytype using Python 3.7: .. code:: console $ nox --session=pytype-3.7 pytype `does not yet support`__ Python 3.8. __ Use the separator ``--`` to pass additional options and arguments to ``pytype``. For example, the following command type-checks only the ``console`` module: .. code:: console $ nox --session=pytype -- --disable=import-error src// The command-line option ``--disable=import-error`` avoids errors for third-party packages without typing information. This option is passed by default if the session is run without additional arguments. .. _`The typeguard session`: The typeguard session --------------------- Run Typeguard_ using Nox: .. code:: console $ nox --session=typeguard The typeguard session runs the test suite with runtime type-checking enabled. It is similar to the `tests session `__, with the difference that your package is instrumented by Typeguard. Typeguard_ checks that arguments passed to functions match the type annotations of the function parameters, and that the return value provided by the function matches the return type annotation. In the case of generator functions, Typeguard checks the yields, sends and the return value against the ``Generator`` or ``AsyncGenerator`` annotation. You can run the session with a specific Python version. For example, the following command runs the session with the current stable release of Python: .. code:: console $ nox --session=typeguard-3.8 Use the separator ``--`` to pass additional options and arguments to pytest. For example, the following command runs only tests for the ``console`` module: .. code:: console $ nox --session=typeguard -- tests/ Typeguard generates a warning about missing type annotations for a Click object. This is due to the fact that ``console.main`` is wrapped by a decorator, and its type annotations only apply to the inner function, not the resulting object as seen by the test suite. Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Markdown files -------------- The project repository contains several documentation files written in Markdown__ or plain text: __ ====================== ============================================ File Contents ====================== ============================================ ```` Project description for GitHub and PyPI ```` Contributor Guide ```` Code of Conduct ``LICENSE`` License ====================== ============================================ Sphinx documentation -------------------- The project documentation itself lives under ``docs``. It is written in reStructuredText_, processed by Sphinx_, and accessible on `Read the Docs`_. It consists of the following files: ====================== ============================================ File Contents ====================== ============================================ ```` Sphinx configuration file ``index.rst`` Master document ``license.rst`` License (included from ``LICENSE``) ``reference.rst`` API documentation ``requirements.txt`` Build dependencies for `Read the Docs`_ ====================== ============================================ The Contributor Guide and Code of Conduct are included from the Markdown files via the recommonmark_ extension. The documentation menu also has a *Changelog* entry, which links to the `GitHub Releases `__ page. The API documentation is generated from docstrings and type annotations, using the autodoc_, napoleon_, and sphinx-autodoc-typehints_ extensions. The ``requirements.txt`` is necessary because Read the Docs currently does not support installing development dependencies using Poetry's lock file. You need to update this file manually, whenever you upgrade Sphinx or its extensions. For the sake of brevity and maintainability, only direct dependencies are listed. .. _`The docs session`: The docs session ----------------- Build the documentation using the Nox session ``docs``: .. code:: console $ nox --session=docs The docs session runs the command ``sphinx-build`` to generate the HTML documentation from the Sphinx directory. In `interactive mode`__---such as when invoking Nox from a terminal---sphinx-autobuild_ is used instead. This tool has several advantages when you are editing the documentation files: __ - It rebuilds the documentation whenever a change is detected. - It spins up a web server with live reloading. - It opens the location of the web server in your browser. .. _`sphinx-autobuild`: Use the ``--`` separator to pass additional options to either tool. For example, to treat warnings as errors and run in nit-picky mode: .. code:: console $ nox --session=docs -- -W -n docs docs/_build This Nox session always runs with the current major release of Python. .. _`The xdoctest session`: The xdoctest session -------------------- The xdoctest_ tool runs examples in your docstrings and compares the actual output to the expected output as per the docstring. This serves multiple purposes: - The example is checked for correctness. - You ensure that the documentation is up-to-date. - Your codebase gets additional test coverage for free. Run the tool using the Nox session ``xdoctest``: .. code:: console $ nox --session=xdoctest You can also run the test suite with a specific Python version. For example, the following command runs the examples using the current stable release of Python: .. code:: console $ nox --session=xdoctest-3.8 By default, the Nox session uses the ``all`` subcommand to run all examples. You can also list examples using the ``list`` subcommand, or run specific examples: .. code:: console $ nox --session=xdoctest -- list Continuous integration using GitHub Actions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* uses `GitHub Actions`_ to implement continuous integration and delivery. With GitHub Actions, you define so-called workflows using `YAML`_ files located in the ``.github/workflows`` directory. A *workflow* is an automated process consisting of one or many jobs, each of which executes a series of steps. Workflows are triggered by events, for example when a commit is pushed or when a release is published. You can learn more about the workflow language and its supported keywords in the `official reference`__. __ Real-time logs for workflow runs are available from the *Actions* tab in your GitHub repository. Secrets ------- Some workflows use tokens to access external services. The following table lists the required tokens, which need to be stored as secrets in the repository settings on GitHub: =================== =================== Name Description =================== =================== ``PYPI_TOKEN`` PyPI_ API token ``TEST_PYPI_TOKEN`` TestPyPI_ API token =================== =================== You can generate these API tokens from your account settings on PyPI_ and TestPyPI_. GitHub Apps ----------- Install the Codecov_ GitHub app, and add your repository to Codecov. The sign up process will guide you through these steps. Available workflows ------------------- The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* defines the following workflows: =================================================== ======================== =================================== =============== Workflow File Description Trigger =================================================== ======================== =================================== =============== `Tests `__ ``tests.yml`` Run the test suite with Nox_ Push `Coverage `__ ``coverage.yml`` Upload coverage data to Codecov_ Push `pre-commit `__ ``pre-commit.yml`` Run linters with pre-commit_ Push `Release Drafter `__ ``release-drafter.yml`` Update the draft GitHub Release Push (master) `Release `__ ``release.yml`` Upload the package to PyPI_ GitHub Release `TestPyPI `__ ``test-pypi.yml`` Upload the package to TestPyPI_ Push (master) =================================================== ======================== =================================== =============== .. _`The Tests workflow`: The Tests workflow .................. The Tests workflow executes the test suite using Nox. The workflow is triggered on every push to the GitHub repository. It consists of a job for each supported Python version, running on the latest supported `Ubuntu image`__. __ The workflow uses the following GitHub Actions: - `actions/checkout`_ for checking out the Git repository - `actions/setup-python`_ for setting up the Python interpreter .. _`actions/checkout`: .. _`actions/setup-python`: The workflow is defined in ``.github/workflows/tests.yml``. .. _`The Coverage workflow`: The Coverage workflow ..................... The Coverage workflow uploads coverage data to Codecov_. The workflow is triggered on every push to the GitHub repository. It executes the `tests session `__ to collect coverage data, and the `coverage session `__ to produce a coverage report in XML format. This coverage report is then uploaded to Codecov_. The workflow uses the following GitHub Actions: - `actions/checkout`_ for checking out the Git repository - `actions/setup-python`_ for setting up the Python interpreter - `codecov/codecov-action`_ for uploading to Codecov_ .. _`codecov/codecov-action`: The workflow runs on the current Python version and the latest supported Ubuntu image. It is defined in ``.github/workflows/coverage.yml``. .. _`The pre-commit workflow`: The pre-commit workflow ....................... The pre-commit workflow runs `pre-commit `__ on all files in the repository. The workflow is triggered on every push to the GitHub repository. The workflow uses the following GitHub Actions: - `actions/checkout`_ for checking out the Git repository - `actions/setup-python`_ for setting up the Python interpreter - `actions/cache`_ for caching pre-commit environments .. _`actions/cache`: The workflow runs on the current Python version and the latest supported Ubuntu image. It is defined in ``.github/workflows/pre-commit.yml``. .. _`The Release Drafter workflow`: The Release Drafter workflow ............................ The Release Drafter workflow maintains a draft for the next GitHub Release. The workflow is triggered on every push to the master branch. It includes details from every pull request merged into master since the last release. The workflow uses the `Release Drafter`_ GitHub Action. The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* groups pull requests by type, using GitHub labels. The following table shows the section headings and corresponding labels: .. table-release-drafter-sections-begin =================== ================================ Label Section =================== ================================ ``breaking`` 💥 Breaking Changes ``enhancement`` 🚀 Features ``removal`` 🔥 Removals and Deprecations ``bug`` 🐞 Fixes ``performance`` 🐎 Performance ``testing`` 🚨 Testing ``ci`` 👷 Continuous Integration ``documentation`` 📚 Documentation ``refactoring`` 🔨 Refactoring ``style`` 💄 Style ``build`` 📦 Build System and Dependencies =================== ================================ .. table-release-drafter-sections-end The workflow is defined in ``.github/workflows/release-drafter.yml``. The configuration file is located in ``.github/release-drafter.yml``. .. _`The Release workflow`: The Release workflow .................... The Release workflow publishes your package on PyPI_, the Python Package Index. The workflow is triggered when a GitHub Release is published. It checks that the test suite passes, builds the package using Poetry, and uploads it using the `pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish`_ action. This workflow uses the ``PYPI_TOKEN`` secret. .. _`pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish`: The workflow is defined in ``.github/workflows/release.yml``. .. _`The TestPyPI workflow`: The TestPyPI workflow ..................... The TestPyPI workflow publishes your package on TestPyPI_, a test instance of the Python Package Index. The workflow is triggered on every push to the master branch. It bumps the version number to a developmental pre-release, builds the package using Poetry, and uploads it using the `pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish`_ action. This workflow uses the ``TEST_PYPI_TOKEN`` secret. The workflow is defined in ``.github/workflows/test-pypi.yml``. Read the Docs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `Read the Docs`_ hosts documentation for countless open-source Python projects. The hosting service also takes care of rebuilding the documentation when you update your project. Users can browse documentation for every published version, as well as the latest development version. Sign up at Read the Docs, and import your GitHub repository, using the button *Import a Project*. Read the Docs automatically starts building your documentation. When the build has completed, your documentation will have a public URL like this: ** The configuration file is named ``.readthedocs.yml`` in the project directory. The *Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter* configures Read the Docs to build and install the package with Poetry, using a so-called `PEP 517`_-build. Build dependencies for the documentation are installed using the file ``docs/requirements.txt``. Note that this file partially duplicates Poetry's lock file. It needs to be kept up-to-date manually, whenever you upgrade Sphinx, and whenever you add, upgrade, or remove a Sphinx extension. .. _`Tutorials`: Tutorials ~~~~~~~~~ First, make sure you have all the `requirements `__ installed. How to test your project ------------------------ Run the test suite using `Nox `__: .. code:: console $ nox -r Additional checks are provided by `pre-commit `__: .. code:: console $ pre-commit run --all-files How to run your code -------------------- First, install the project and its dependencies to the Poetry environment: .. code:: console $ poetry install Run an interactive session in the environment: .. code:: console $ poetry run python Invoke the command-line interface of your package: .. code:: console $ poetry run How to make code changes ------------------------ 1. | Run the tests, `as explained above `__. | All tests should pass. 2. | Add a failing test `under the tests directory `__. | Run the tests again to verify that your test fails. 3. | Make your changes to the package, `under the src directory `__. | Run the tests to verify that all tests pass again. How to push code changes ------------------------ Create a branch for your changes: .. code:: console $ git switch --create my-topic-branch master Create a series of small, single-purpose commits: .. code:: console $ git add $ git commit Push your branch to GitHub: .. code:: console $ git push --set-upstream origin my-topic-branch The push triggers the following automated steps: - `The test suite runs against your branch `__. - `Coverage data is uploaded to Codecov `__. How to open a pull request -------------------------- Open a pull request for your branch on GitHub: 1. Select your branch from the *Branch* menu. 2. Click **New pull request**. 3. Enter the title for the pull request. 4. Enter a description for the pull request. 5. Apply a `label identifying the type of change `_. 6. Click **Create pull request**. Release notes are pre-filled with the titles of merged pull requests. Opening the pull request triggers another automated step: - Codecov_ comments on the pull request, summarizing how the changes impact code coverage. How to accept a pull request ---------------------------- If all checks are marked as passed, merge the pull request using the squash-merge strategy (recommended): 1. Click **Squash and Merge**. (Select this option from the dropdown menu of the merge button, if it is not shown.) 2. Click **Confirm squash and merge**. 3. Click **Delete branch**. This triggers the following automated steps: - `The test suite runs against the master branch `__. - `Coverage data is uploaded to Codecov `__. - `The draft GitHub Release is updated `__. - `A pre-release of the package is uploaded to TestPyPI `__. In your local repository, update the master branch: .. code:: console $ git switch master $ git pull origin master Optionally, remove the merged topic branch from the local repository as well: .. code:: console $ git remote prune origin $ git branch --delete --force my-topic-branch The original commits remain accessible from the pull request (*Commits* tab). How to make a release --------------------- Before making a release, go through the following checklist: - The master branch passes all checks. - The development release on `TestPyPI`_ looks good. - All pull requests for the release have been merged. Making a release is a two-step process: 1. Bump the version using `poetry version`_. (Commit and push.) 2. Publish a GitHub Release. .. _`poetry version`: When bumping the version, adhere to `Semantic Versioning`_ and `PEP 440`_. The individual steps for bumping the version are: .. code:: console $ git switch master $ poetry version $ git commit --message=" " pyproject.toml $ git push origin master If you want the Git tag to be annotated or signed, add the following optional steps: .. code:: console $ git tag --message=" " v $ git push origin v To publish the release, locate the draft release on the *Releases* tab of the GitHub repository, and follow these steps: 1. Click **Edit** next to the draft release. 2. Enter a tag of the form ``v``, using the new project version. 3. Enter the release title, e.g. ````. 4. Edit the release description, if required. 5. Click **Publish Release**. After publishing the release, the following automated steps are triggered: - The Git tag is applied to the repository. - `The package is uploaded to PyPI `__. - `Read the Docs`_ builds a new stable version of the documentation. Update your local repository: .. code:: console $ git switch master $ git pull origin master v The Hypermodern Python blog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The project setup is described in detail in the `Hypermodern Python`_ article series: - `Chapter 1: Setup`_ - `Chapter 2: Testing`_ - `Chapter 3: Linting`_ - `Chapter 4: Typing`_ - `Chapter 5: Documentation`_ - `Chapter 6: CI/CD`_ .. _`Chapter 1: Setup`: .. _`Chapter 2: Testing`: .. _`Chapter 3: Linting`: .. _`Chapter 4: Typing`: .. _`Chapter 5: Documentation`: .. _`Chapter 6: CI/CD`: You can also read the articles on `this blog`__. __ .. references-begin .. _`Bandit`: .. _`Black`: .. _`Calendar Versioning`: .. _`Click`: .. _`Codecov`: .. _`Cookiecutter`: .. _``: .. _`Flake8`: .. _`GitHub Actions`: .. _`GitHub Release`: .. _`GitHub`: .. _`Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter`: .. _`Hypermodern Python`: .. _`Jinja`: .. _`MIT license`: .. _`Nox`: .. _`PEP 257`: .. _`PEP 440`: .. _`PEP 517`: .. _`PEP 518`: .. _`PEP 8`: .. _`Poetry`: .. _`Prettier`: .. _`PyPI`: .. _`Read the Docs`: .. _`Release Drafter`: .. _`Safety`: .. _`Sphinx`: .. _`TOML`: .. _`TestPyPI`: .. _`Typeguard`: .. _`YAML`: .. _`autodoc`: .. _`bash`: .. _`curl`: .. _`darglint`: .. _`flake8-annotations`: .. _`flake8-bandit`: .. _`flake8-black`: .. _`flake8-bugbear`: .. _`flake8-docstrings`: .. _`flake8-import-order`: .. _`flake8-rst-docstrings`: .. _`git`: .. _`mccabe`: .. _`mypy`: .. _`napoleon`: .. _`pep8-naming`: .. _`pip`: .. _`pipx`: .. _`pre-commit`: .. _`pycodestyle`: .. _`pydocstyle`: .. _`pyenv`: .. _`pyflakes`: .. _`pytest`: .. _`pytype`: .. _`reStructuredText`: .. _`recommonmark`: .. _`sphinx-autodoc-typehints`: .. _`xdoctest`: .. references-end